Monday, March 16, 2015

Accommodating Literacy Strategies to a Class's Needs

In my Creative Nonfiction Class, my professor decided that we needed help writing stories that had fully-realized endings and themes.

So he gave us a packet of deconstructed essays that had been submitted earlier in the semester. Each page of the packet included the first few sentences of a narrative essay, with just enough information to place the reader in time and space, but not to provide any more context.

Then, he gave us a page with those chosen essays in chart form.

I've recreated the page here, using quotes from books that are popular in middle and high schools.

The Quentin Tarantino ending was actually a thing on the original activity.

Each column included a key element of the original essay, with everything but the opening passage very vague and paraphrased.

He split the class up into groups of 4-5 and had each group roll a dice four times. (There were six options on his list.) One group could get the numbers 2, 4, 3, 1, for example; this meant that they had to choose the second option from the first column, the fourth option from the second column, and so on. So, a group with those numbers would have to construct a (fictionalized) story starting with the opening sentence of 1984, using the mood from To Kill a Mockingbird, following the theme from The Great Gatsby, and concluding with a similar ending to The Hunger Games. Get it?

Then he had each group split up to do the shared-timed-writing exercise.

You know, that one where you write for ten minutes and then pass the story on to the next person so see where they take it.

He instructed us to make sure we read the entire story before beginning to add on to the end.

He made sure that every person wrote the ending to the story they had started. That was the point of the whole thing: we had to bring our stories to a close.

What really struck me about this exercise was that he had accommodated a common and often bizarre writing activity into something that would help the class. Normally, I don't like this strategy. Too often, it's just a test of students' on-the-spot creativity, and it results in some crazy and not-very-good stories.

But the quality of the stories didn't matter for this adjustment, because we were focusing on pulling all of these conflicting requirements together into a fully-realized story. Unwittingly, we were learning how to take things like character, setting, mood, and theme, and bringing them together into an effective conclusion.

So the activity was both fun and helpful.

So, based on this...
What are some activities that you have participated in or can think of that take a well-worn strategy and flip it on its head?
Think about a literary strategy we have discussed in class. In what ways can you adjust it to fit a class's needs? Say your class needs to focus on a particular element of grammar, or thesis statements, or concluding paragraphs. How can you tailor a literacy strategy to those needs?


  1. I have seen in a classroom during my field experience the Fish Bowl method with a twist: the outer circle of the disscussion is actuallyindividually assigned to a person within the inner circle. They take notes on the debate and may pass a post-it with information, a rebuttle, or a question to their assigned inner-circle person. It was a neat way to not have a huge dissscussion but still make sure everyone was involved in both the inner and outer circles, since the teacher collected the notes of the outer circle to ensure that students were paying attention. I felt that it encouraged outer circle students to be able to follow debate and learn to assess arguments and formulate rebuttals without the stress of being 'on the spot' within a inner circle debate where sometimes the topic can change or your idea isn't fully formed because of nerves of public speaking or 'being wrong'.

  2. When thinking about literacy strategies that we have discussed in class, I love the FQR strategy. I think it is great for both the teacher and the students. I also think it is pretty easy to adjust to whatever needs the class may need at a particular time. Instead of having the FQR stand for Fact, Question, or Response, you can make it more specific. For example, if reading a story, you could have students specifically name a fact about a character,or a question or response they have about a specific scene in the story. Since this is a great literary strategy to use for review, this could be used to review lessons presented on grammar, thesis statements, or concluding paragraphs. Students could list facts, and questions about the particular element of grammar, and for the response section, practice the element of grammar being discussed.

  3. I think a good strategy that I have seen in my experiences in field work is the closed reading strategy. The teacher would have the students do a reading journal where they would have to take notes first, then be asked questions on the reading that she came up with. This teaches the students to come up with their own ideas about the text that they read and how to pick out the important parts of the text. A way that my cooperating teacher changed this strategy is that she had the students in groups based on reading level. The lowest group was nicknamed the Diamonds. The Diamond group had the ability as a group to go over all the work together and form a group journal entry that they all could get knowledge from.
