Thursday, April 9, 2015

Differentiated Instruction in the English Classroom

The article suggests ice-breakers for the teacher to understand their students as well as provides students the opportunity to get to know one another. However, the ideas of the ice-breakers may not be inclusive to ELL students or students with social anxieties in terms of intermingling in such a setting with their peers. Could you recommend a way to re-work the "Get to know me" ice breaker that could accommodate these types of students situations? Could you suggest perhaps a different ice breaker that could be interactive in a different way?


  1. In Lang Lit II, we did an icebreaker where we folded a paper in half. In the middle we wrote our name, and in the corners we drew pictures answering specific questions (in this case, relating to our memories of phonics and early reading instruction). Then, we went around in a circle explaining the answer to the questions, one at a time. Having students draw pictures that indicate the answers to questions could address ELLs, because it provides symbols that can be interpreted before and as they are explained.

  2. In one of my seminar courses we did an ice breaker where we were told to bring in 3 to 5 items that described us or represented something we were interested in (a mini "show and tell"). After completing the ice breaker in class, we got to see different sides of people and found people who were interested in the same types of things as ourselves (creating a positive classroom community). I believe this would be a good ice breaker for all students because each person would be comfortable talking since they would be talking about themselves in relation to their items and it would be a more "relaxed" environment where ELL students are not being "drilled" or "stuffed" with information. It also helps ELL students will their oral communication skills.

  3. Similar to what Frankie said, I once did an activity where we were given a clear sheet that had slots in it for pictures. We had to go home and try to fill the sheet up with things that represented us. It could have been anything from a picture of your favorite TV show to a picture of your dog, or just about anything. Then, in class, we had to briefly explain our pictures and why we chose them. I ended up missing class the day we did it so I didn't get to see it in action but I thought that it was a really good way to get to know people. You get to talk about yourself, and it gives you the chance to find people who might share interests with you without having to talk to a bunch of people first. It gives ELL students a chance to practice their oral communication skills, like Frankie said, but it also does it in a way that can make them feel safe.
